Murad Khane Primary School


£5000 for classroom Equipment, library books and a garden project

A promise

Why this project needed our help?

Murad Khane Primary School, founded by Turquoise Mountain in 2007, was part of a broader urban regeneration project in a part of Kabul’s old city called Murad Khane. The area had been deprived of basic services for decades, houses were collapsing, and there were alarmingly low levels of educational attainment and healthcare among residents. With community involvement, a successful school had been set up, comprising three grades and a nursery.

in 2011, the school requested funds from Juniper Trust to help with school equipment, writing slates, toys, and books for the library, which we were able to provide. Further help was requested for a Kitchen Gardening Project. Eight women from the old city of Kabul were given weekly gardening training on two allotments. On each allotment four separate plots were planted, each containing a different type of vegetable. Learning from a local gardening expert, the women were taught how to plant, water, feed, weed and care of a range of different vegetables..

In the spring of 2015 they hoped to carry out the second phase of the project to train a further 8-12 women from Murad Khane, purchase gardening tools to construct gardening plots in each of their houses and plant more trees in the neighbourhood.

In the school, slates were available for the children’s writing almost immediately, and we saw photographs of the delighted children. All the women gained the knowledge required to set up their gardens in their own homes.

The training was received extremely positively, and many women expressed their gratitude for the opportunities the kitchen gardening project presented them, noting that is has given them a focus and source of pride beyond their daily routine within the house.