98% project spend

Founded in 1995, 2024 will be the 30th Anniversary of the Juniper Trust. Since conception, the Juniper Trust has been volunteer run, keeping running costs to a minimum. We have no office costs, volunteers work from home and give up their time freely and claim no expenses. Of course, we do have some small website costs and accountancy fees but that’s about it and we would love to get these down to net zero too!

Which current project would you like to support?



Nepal: Supporting Educational needs in remote villages
The Nepal Quality School project aims are to ensure that all children, including marginalised groups, are taught in a friendly supportive environment so that they enjoy coming to school. They acquire skills, knowledge and understanding through careful instruction, demonstration, discussion, and practical activities.



Nepal Evergreen: Planting 100,000 Fruit Trees
Working with several nurseries in Kathmandu, we have set a realistic budget of £80,000 ($100,000) to purchase, grow and plant 100,000 trees by 2030. It costs just $1 to purchase, deliver and to plant a fruit tree in Nepal. We have already planted 20,000 in 2021 and 2022. 10,000 have been ordered from the Kathmandu nurseries to plant in 2023



Pakistan: Supporting Schools and Villagers in Baltistan and Ishkoman
We need to raise even more money to keep aiding these and other villages in the area. You can help too, safe in the knowledge that The Juniper Trust will make sure all your contribution goes to the people who need it. With your help and the amazing Ayub Khan leading the Juniper team on the ground in Pakistan, we will succeed!



Nepal: Rebuilding 20 schools after the 2015 Earthquake
In 2023, the Juniper Trust is raising £20,000 for its 20th school rebuilding project in the remote village of Raja Beni, situated at 2,800 meters’, high above the Kinja Valley. This village school has 100 children and is still using temporary classrooms following the earthquake in 2015. They have had some help from the government to rebuild one classroom block one new toilets but have asked the Juniper Trust for help to rebuild a separate block of three classrooms that remains destroyed. The money will also buy school uniforms and essential school equipment fo the children at the school.


We can accept donations by cheque or bank transfer (payable to the Juniper Trust).

Send a cheque

The Juniper Trust
30 Wordsworth Street, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7QY, United Kingdom
Registered Charity Number: 1053356

Bank transfer

Sort Code: 20-66-97
Account Number: 30705462
IBAN: GB23BARC20669730705462


When donating by cheque or bank transfer please download, complete and attach a Gift Aid form. Every penny counts!