Lingshed village, situated in one of the most remote areas of northern India, recognized that educating its youth was critical to improving their quality of life. However, secondary schooling was only available in Leh, which was a week-long and often dangerous trek away. To address this issue, a hostel was built near Leh to accommodate the children from Lingshed while also supporting traditional Buddhist practice and culture.
With support from the people of Lingshed village, the Lingshed Monastery, and the dedication of Sonam Dorje, a Lingshed official, funds were raised to establish and develop the Lingshed Children’s Hostel. The Juniper Trust contributed £20,000 to complete the construction of a new toilet and washroom block for the hostel.
With support from the people of Lingshed village, the Lingshed Monastery, and the dedication of Sonam Dorje, a Lingshed official, funds were raised to establish and develop the Lingshed Children’s Hostel. The Juniper Trust contributed £20,000 to complete the construction of a new toilet and washroom block for the hostel.
Currently, the hostel supports 62 children between the ages of 6 to 16 years old. All the children attend schools in and around Leh, and the foundation that runs the hostel covers all the costs associated with their education, accommodation, food, and health. The children manage most of the day-to-day functions with guidance from the hostel staff.
Penrith, Cumbria, UK
Registered Charity Number: 1053356